마크 리피토의 초보 스트랭스루틴+슈퍼스콰트루틴운동/정보 2013. 11. 7. 12:40반응형
Starting Strength Novice Program:
Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
5x3 Power cleans
Workouts A and B alternate on 3 non-consecutive days per week.
Onus Wunsler Beginner Program (from SS):
Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
1x5 Deadlift alternated w/ 5x3 Power Cleans
Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
3x10 or 5x10 Back Extensions (unweighted if progressing to GHR, weighted if not)
Chin-Ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps
Workouts A and B alternate on 3 non-consecutive days per week.
Practical Programming Novice Program:
Squat 3x5
Bench press/press 3x5
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps
Squat 3x5
Press/bench press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Squat 3x5
Bench press/press 3x5
Pull-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps
Witchita Falls Novice Program:
Squat 3x5
Bench press/press 3x5
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps
Squat 3x5
Press/bench press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5/Powerclean 5x3
Squat 3x5
Bench press/press 3x5
Pull-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps
2. 수퍼스콰트 프로그램
(출저 : http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/20_Rep_Squats)
The Original 20 Rep Squat Program (John McCallum, 1968)
- Behind-the-Neck Press: 3x12
- Squat: 1x20
- Pull-Overs: 1x20
- Bench Press: 3x12
- Bent-over Rows: 3x15
- Stiff-legged Deadlift: 1x15
- Shrug: 1x15
- Pull-Overs: 1x20
20 Rep Squat Program (Scaled Down)
- Squat: 1x20
- Pull over 1x20
- Overhead press 5x5
- Power clean 5x5
Randall J. Strossen's Super Squat Program
- Warm-up 5-10 minutes
- Bench Press 2x12 reps
- Squat: 1x20 reps
- Pullovers 1x20 reps
- Bent-over Rows: 2x15 reps
20 Rep Squat Power Program
- Power Cleans: 5x3
- Squat: 1x20
- Standing Press: 2-3x12
- Chin-Ups: 2 sets to failure
- Dips: 2x10
- Conventional Deadlifts: 1x15
Metabolic Conditioning 20 Rep Squat Program
- Squat: 1x20
- Pull-Overs: 1x20
- Circuit training:
- 3 rounds of bodyweight Chin-ups, Dips, and Sit-ups.
- Everything is taken to failure and 1 min rest is taken between exercises.
"Big 3" 20 Rep Squat Program
- Squat: 1x20
- Pull-Overs: 1x20
- Bench Press: 2-3x10
- Pull-overs: 1x20
- Bent-over Rows: 2-3x15
"Big 3 Ladder Circuit" 20 Rep Squat Program
- Squat: 1x20
- Light weight Pull-Overs: 1x20 for stretching rib cage
- Pull ups, Dips, Sit-ups in a circuit up to failure and start over at one again
- Circuit 1: 1 Pull Up, 2 Dips, 3 sit ups
- Circuit 2: 2 Pull ups, 4 dips, 6 sit ups
- Circuit 3: 3 Pull Ups, 6 Dips, 9 sit up
- Circuit 4: 4 Pull Ups, 8 dips, 12 sit ups and so on until failure then start over at 1 Pull up, 2 Dips and 3 Sit ups
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